Server Side Includes (SSI) really is a set of directives that will allow you to incorporate the content of a text file in an HTML file. By doing this, you can add some content to various web pages on your website and alter it by simply updating a single text file. You're able to also add the output of various scripts in order that the present date and time, the IP address of the website visitor or the attributes of some file appear on your site. This will enable you to incorporate some dynamic content to static web pages, making the website more desirable to your site visitors and creating a much more professional look and feel. It will also be simpler to revise this content when compared with editing each static page one at a time. If you want to use Server Side Includes in your website, the pages that include the content of some file should be with extension .shtml.
Server Side Includes in Web Hosting
Since our customized cloud hosting platform features Server Side Includes on a global level, it will be possible to use this function with any of the web hosting plans that we have and bring dynamic content to your websites with only a few clicks. SSI is activated for every individual domain name or subdomain by putting an .htaccess file in the website folder with just a few lines of code. Of course, there is no need to be a coder for that because the needed code can be copied from the Help article that we have about Server Side Includes. If you would like to employ this function for your site, you must rename your site files from .html to .shtml plus you've got to double-check if all of the links on your website lead to the up to date names.
Server Side Includes in Semi-dedicated Servers
It will not take you over a moment to activate Server Side Includes in case you have a semi-dedicated server plan with our company. When you choose to enable this function, you have to set up an .htaccess file in the main folder for the domain or subdomain where you would like SSI to be active. In that file, you have to copy some code, that you can find in the FAQ article we have dedicated to SSI. You'll find the latter in the Help area of your Hosting Control Panel, so you don't need any prior knowledge of this kind of things. The only two things you need to take care of are renaming all of the web pages that will use Server Side Includes from .html to .shtml and bringing up-to-date all of the links on your website, to make sure they point to the updated files.