We’ve incorporated a collection of Site Accelerator Tools into your Web Site Control Panel so that you can readily improve the overall operation of your sites. You will not have to alter anything at all with the back–end code or make special configuration settings that need technical knowledge on your part. In the Web Site Control Panel, simply opt for the application you want to work with – Memcached, Varnish and Node.js and generate an instance for it. It’s all carried out with a click of the mouse. By accelerating your websites, you’ll not only prevent your visitors from being required to wait around but also will make your site rank higher in search engine rankings.

You can find the Site Accelerator Tools in the Advanced Applications area of your Web Site Control Panel.


RAM–caching in place of data–base calls

Should you have a data–base–driven web site or app, and data–base requests usually tend to slow up the efficiency, this can be really aggravating to the website visitors and the web application users. Seeking out a solution can generally demand a considerable amount of time. Nonetheless, within the MygoodHosting Web Site Control Panel, you will find a solution for you.

Memcached is a simple, yet potent distributed memory caching platform, that collects data and objects in the RAM. This way, the database–saved info on your web site does not need to be loaded each time a website visitor loads the exact same web page.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–memorizing in place of HTTP queries

While using the Varnish web accelerator integrated into the Web Site Control Panel, you can easily make your site webpages come up a lot quicker for your visitors. All configuration settings are carried out by way of a user friendly interface, without having to produce any kind of immediate adjustments to the back–end code of the web site.

Varnish is an HTTP acceleration instrument that can help all pages work faster by caching them inside the server’s memory. By doing this, after a page has already been opened up by a customer in the past, it does not need to be brought by the hosting server any further, which generally lowers website speeds and quickens your pages. It has been tested that Varnish often hurries up website load times with a 300 – 1000x factor.

Hepsia File Manager


For creating quick and then scalable web apps

Web programmers can make use of Node.js for the purpose of developing numerous high–performance and also economical tools such as business analytics, live apps and CMS, just to name some. It really is super fast and scalable and is powered by an engaged community that helps to keep promoting and supporting it.

Node.js is founded on the Google V8 JavaScript engine and utilizes an event–driven, non–blocking I/O pattern that renders its API versatile and extensible. This specific impressive solution enables web developers to fast put together high end web applications by using only a single language.

Hepsia File Manager