Although having an Internet site is often identified as simply uploading files to a server and linking a domain to them, the truth is a complete set of services lies beneath any site you see on the Internet. A few examples would be the ability to set up and handle databases or e-mail addresses, to access your files through FTP, to check on site visitor statistics and to control a number of domain records. All of these things contributes to your web presence in one way or another and if any of them is missing or is hard to manage, the overall management of your Internet site can become irritating. In this light, it is very important to not only have full control over your hosting space and domains, but also to have the ability to manage them without difficulty.
Website Manager in Web Hosting
Our web hosting service include a potent Website Manager tool where you can access everything associated with your online presence quickly. The tool is an element of our custom made Hepsia Control Panel and features an extremely intuitive interface, so you'll not have any issues even if you are developing your first website and you've never had a web hosting account previously. You shall find a list of all the domain names hosted within your account and by clicking on any of them, you'll see various quick-access buttons for pretty much everything. With just several clicks, you will be able to check out and change the WHOIS information if the domain address is registered through us, to access the site files for it, to set up a new database or to install a script-driven app. You can even create a new FTP account, check visitor stats, and much more. These options are accessible handily in a single location.
Website Manager in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you have a semi-dedicated server account with us, we will provide you with a powerful tool using which you can manage all aspects of your online presence - our Website Manager. If you are a proficient user, you shall appreciate how much time the tool will save you, while if you're a newbie, you'll enjoy an easy-to-use interface which will allow you to do anything in a number of simple steps. You will be able to modify DNS records, to set up an app through our 1-click script installer, to check on website visitor statistics, to set up a new email address, a database or an FTP account via quick-access buttons for every domain address hosted within the account. The Website Manager tool provides you with the easiness and the control that you need to sustain a prosperous presence online.