FI Based Datacenter

When selecting a data center, its location will likely be one of the important factors - you can choose an allegedly great location, which can turn out to be a flood zone or an earthquake hotspot. Also, the given country might have an unstable political environment. That's why we've picked Finland as the destination for our next data center facility. This is a country with a steady political climate; it is far away from seismic hotspots and flooding is not a problem there.

The Finnish data center is positioned in an ex army facility. It is located within an underground cave that's capable to withstand aerial assault or EMP blasts. This can basically ensure that your web site will keep functioning regardless of what happens to the outside world.

Aside from its strategic position and security features, the Finnish data center also provides superb connectivity with the rest of the world and especially with Russia and Northern/Central Europe. It is an exceptional choice when you wish to expand your worldwide web presence in these areas and also to provide your website visitors with top-notch connection rates.

  • Domain Names

  • .ACADEMY - $32.49/year
  • .BARGAINS - $30.49/year
  • .CAFE - $35.99/year
  • Compare Domain Names

Web Hosting Service in Finland

When you're searching for a genuinely risk-free web hosting service, then you have come to the right place. By having a web hosting account in our Finnish data center, not only will your web site be protected against any natural disaster or an aerial assault, but you will furthermore experience a 99.9% service uptime along with a 99.9% network uptime. A 24/7 technical support service backed up by a 1-hour reply time guarantee is comes as standard.

An additional advantage of hosting your website with MygoodHosting is the fact that all your web sites and web applications will have a substantial speed increase. All of our servers feature extremely fast NVMe drives offering fantastic write/read speeds and rely on a file system (ZFS), which is designed in such a way as to take full advantage of all the advantages provided by the NVMe drives. Also in our user friendly Hepsia Control Panel we've also included a group of website accelerators to further enhance the loading speed of your sites.

OpenVZ VPS Servers In Finland

Obtain one of our OpenVZ VPS Servers inside our Finland-based data center should you have a large website, a resource-demanding web app or you would like to start your own hosting company. Housed inside this underground data center, your server is protected against all natural disasters and you'll enjoy an excellent connectivity with all of the neighbouring North European countries and with Russia.

Our OpenVZ servers have plenty of raw power for virtually any site. Experience huge CPU, RAM and monthly traffic quotas with each and every server, as well as a lot of no charge bonuses.


 CPU Core(s)
 Disk Space
 Monthly Traffic

Linux Semi-dedicated Servers In Finland

The Ficolo data center is an ideal home for your semi-dedicated server. It offers the essential website hosting environment to have your multi-media sites and applications run quickly: exceptional local and international connectivity, top-level physical and network stability and, above all - a disaster-proof subterranean location. With any of the Linux semi-dedicated servers, you will receive a 99.9% network uptime warranty.

Thanks to the Ficolo data center's adaptable colocation policy, we've managed to implement our very own cloud hosting platform, that relies on NVMe-equipped servers as well as the ZFS file storage system. This will give you ideal data processing and backup speeds. On top of that, you will get generous CPU quotas for your demanding websites and web apps, along with lavish database query quotas.

  • Service Guarantees

  • Top-quality cloud hosting solutions in Finland. Enjoy a guaranteed 99.9% service uptime, a 99.9% network uptime and an amazing 24/7 tech support service.
  • Compare Our Prices

  • In our Finnish data center, we offer several cloud hosting plans. Have a look at the prices and attributes and select the one that suits you best.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Why Us

  • With MygoodHosting, you will enjoy a top-speed connection with the whole world, a great website overall performance along with a devoted tech support team, that is at our beck and call 24/7.
  • Contact Us

  • Do you have questions for us? Contact us on the telephone numbers listed here - our sales team members are prepared to help.